August 31, 2016 CAVA Opening Gathering Recap
On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 there were about 35 of us who gathered for the CAVA Opening. Several groups participated in the “Work of Many Hands” to display informational materials and items that organizations sell or services offered. While this was happening, people mingled over coffee and just before we started, Sisters Connie Bach and Sharon Glumb led us into Praise and Worship. Our guest presenters were Patrice Tuohy and Philip Loftus who spoke on the Millenials and how we can better understand and connect with this generation. Their talk included some trends on social media and ways to optimize opportunities for engagement with discerners. Click on the link for a PDF of their PowerPoint Presentation. Connecting with Millenials Presentation
CAVA Opening Gathering Aug 2016 – Small Group Process Input and Analysis Chart
CAVA Opening Gathering Aug 2016 – Evaluation Responses Summary
Fr. Adam MacDonald’s message reminds us why we are part of CAVA and how our ministry and the diversity of CAVA’s membership contributes to the mission of Jesus in the Church. Here’s a recap of his inspirational homily.
Fr. Adam MacDonald, SVD Homily – Video